(Sorry this took so long to post there was quite a bit to remember in this game.)
My next game was against a Word Bearers army, which was beautifully painted and looked to be a more fun game, as my opponent was another veteran. I took my last list just minus the librarian, he had:
Chaos lord w/mark of tzeentch
Chaos lord w/mark of khorne
10 Possessed marines
10 marines w/las/plas/rhino
10 marines w/2 meltaguns/powerfist/rhino
Possessed Land raider
Predator w/autocannon/heavy bolters
We played objectives (3) pitched battle deployment. I won first turn
I place an objective in my corner and one in the middle of the board in some terrain; he placed his in his corner. I deployed all the squads in their rhinos; the plasmagun squad was to my right, the meltagun squad were in the centre sandwiching the attack bikes in between the baal predators in the middle. The other squad with the flamer was toward the left side. The death company hid behind the rhinos to the right.
Word bearers deployed the las/plas squad on his objective to my far left. Their empty rhino was next in line with the land raider in the centre. The other rhino hid behind the raider and the predator war to my far right. The lords and possessed were in the raider, they had feel no pain as their special ability. Annoyingly enough he stole the initiative.
Before the game began one of the staff came over to watch and said the quote of the day, "I bet the red side will win!" very funny at the time :P.
Word Bearers turn 1
He moved his land raider forward, the rhinos moved over to my left to flank me. The land raider shot a lascannon at 1 attack bike killing it and the predator killed the other. The las/plas team to my left shot and stunned 1 baal.
Blood Angels turn 1
I moved the rhino with my melta forward with the hope I might kill the land raider and then ass cannon the possessed to death. My rhino to the left stalled L while the death company moved behind the right rhino to counter assault the possessed next turn if my plan failed. Guess what... the meltagun missed :( so the baal’s shot their ass cannons to try and kill the land raider but only immobilised it. Why can’t I roll 6s when it matters lol.
WB’s turn 2
The possessed and lords jumped out the land raider (surprise surprise), the land raider then shot the rhino in front of it hoping to explode it so his predator could shoot the death company. It only managed to shake it so the predator instead decided to shoot at the back right and caused it to explode killing 2 marines. 1 of the rhinos in the centre disembarked the word bearers who moved and ran towards the centre objective. The lascannon at the back shot 1 of the predator’s but didn't hurt it. The possessed and lords assault the poor marines and killed 6, one of which was my powerfist sergeant, with the lords alone. I managed to survive the possessed attacks but only killed 2 with mine. I failed my leadership check but got away and ran 11" towards my objective ready to regroup.
BA’s turn 2
I started by trying to bring on the dread but a 3 meant I had to wait. The death company moved forward while the baal predators moved in ready to shoot the possessed. I moved my plasma squad away from the crater that was once their rhino onto my objective as well as the regrouped meltagun squad. The flamer squad’s rhino moved up and the squad disembarked and fired into the chaos marine in the centre with cleansing flame killing 1 and gunned down another 2 with bolters. The rhino in front of the possessed tried to ram the predator and did nothing. The baal’s shot everything into the possessed kill 4 and taking a wound of the Tzeentch lord. The Death company assaulted the possessed managing to kill the Tzeentch lord and Lemartes killed 2 possessed but with their attacks back killed all 3 death company marines and wounded Lemartes. Lemartes took another wound from being fearless.
WB’s turn 3
He didn’t really do much except shoot lots of stuff. First the predator shot the rhino parked in front of it and immobilised it. The land raider shot at the plasma squad who were hiding on the objective and killed one while the lascannon from the chaos marines shoot the baal predator again shaking it. The WB’s on the centre objective shot two meltagun’s into my flamer squad kill two and rapid fire bolters killing another two. I made my leadership check so we went over to the CC. Needless to say Lemartes succumbed to the Khorne lord and possessed but as he was the same initiative and struck back to kill 3 possessed. The lord and lone champion moved ever closer to my marines towards the back.
BA’s turn 3
This turn the dread dropped in right next to the centre objective. I moved the meltagun squad out of cover toward the centre again to try and take out something. The baal’s moved round towards the left to try and kill the marines on his objective. To start the shooting the plasma and melta squad shoot everything into the Khorne lord and champion. As the smoke cleared the lord was left on his own with one wound left. The baal that wasn’t shaken shot it’s heavy bolters managing to kill 2 WB’s and the combined flamers from the death company dread and flamer tactical squad onto the WB’s in the centre killing 2 more. They didn’t run but being down to 4 basic marines and a champion I liked my chances shot my tac squads 5 bolt pistols but didn’t wound anyone and so assaulted them. The squad and fist killed the 4 marines while the champion and marine attacks back killed two of mine.
WB’s turn 4
He didn't have much left to do except move the Khorne lord towards the plasma squad ready to assault. The predator shot at my rhino again exploding it. The lascannon shot the baal again shaking it for another turn. The land raider shot at the dreadnought but did nothing. In combat I killed the last word bearer and the champion rolled ones. The khorne lord assaulted my plasma squad killing 3 but the sergeant avenged his fallen brothers by decapitating the lord with his power sword.
BA’s turn 4
The meltagun squad moved and ran behind the drop pod and terrain so next turn they could try and pop one of his tanks. The baal’s moved closer to the last few WB’s at the back on his objective but were still just out of ass cannon range. The baal opened up with its heavy bolters killing another WB. The dreadnought assaulted the lone champion crushing him. The marine consolidated onto the objective while the dread had to move towards the land raider.
WB’s turn 5
The word bearers at the back shot at the baal again (they really didn’t like this one) but this time failed to hit. The land raider shot its 1 lascannon that could see the death company dread but failed to hit. I forgot that his rhinos had havoc launcher on but all game had either missed of I mad my saves, this turn was no different. The predator moved 6” forward and shot its auto cannon at the plasmagun squad but I made my saves again.
BA’s turn 5
The dread moved out of cover towards the land raider while the meltagun tac squad moved from around the corner. The baals moved up to try and finish off the WB’s in the corner. The managed to kill 3 more WB’s but they held fast. The dread and tac squad fired their meltaguns at the land raider but only destroyed a lascannon. The dread assaulted the raider and managed to destroy its last lascannon and heavy bolter.
He rolled a 1 to end the games with blood angels winning 2 objectives to 1.